The novelty fallacy or novelty bias is a bias towards novel ideas or objects. New and shiny things seem to be better than old or established ones. Research has shown that being exposed to novel experiences activates the release of Dopamine in your central nervous system.

The novelty fallacy also relates to the western thinking, that Innovation is inherently good and cannot be questioned.

How to Manage

  • Delay the decision. Give your brain time to get off the high of novelty. Look at the thing with a clear mind.
  • Notice when novelty feels appealing. Being mindful about the sensation will dearm it and will make you clearer in your judgement.
  • Document the downsides or limitations of the new thing. Try to find out how it will impact your time, money and energy to learn and get used to that new thing.
  • Ask yourself why. Why do you want that thing? Why do you find that idea appealing. Why now? Why is it this particular thing?