uBlock is my favorite adblocker, mainly because of its many configuration options. You can also not configure it at all if you don't care about diving deep and you still get a very pleasant experience. uBlock does not work on Chrome because Chrome is a piece of crap software.

Dynamic Rules

The basis of all of my rules is this one, which blocks ALL third party domains. This blocks a lot of unwanted shit by default. It also breaks almost all video, payment and other javascript heavy sites. At this point in time, that javascript will almost certainly include a SHITTON of trackers, "user engagement" platforms, and other bloat that is as useful as cancer.

* * 3p-script block

To make using this rule less painful, requests to big CDN providers are allowed on every site.

* akamai.net * noop 
* akamaiedge.net * noop 
* cdnjs.cloudflare.com * noop 
* cdn.cloudflare.net * noop 
* cdn.jsdelivr.net * noop 
* challenges.cloudflare.com * noop 
* cloudapp.net * noop 
* cloudfront.net * allow 
* deltacdn.net * noop 
* fastly.net * noop 
* polyfill.io * noop 
* sentry-cdn.com * noop 
* vimeocdn.com * noop

You still need to manually approve requests for a lot of sites, but the major painpoints - blocking shit by default - allowing assets from major CDNs are taken care of this way.