A web documentary series on the extraordinary lives of ordinary people and communities in Nepal.
Episodes watched
- EP1 - “Eauta School ko Katha” - A muslim girl school
- EP2 - “Chaukini ko Katha” - The story of the village guards
- EP3 - “Gharko Katha” - A bhutanese family visits their old home in nepal
- EP4 - “Sunko Katha” - Three women washing gold from the riverbank
- EP5 - “Batoko Katha” - I 70-year old man build a road for his blind family
- EP6 - Village people go mouse-hunting.
- EP7 - A horse groomer looks for paddy to buy and rice to sell
- EP8 - A mother of 4 children goes to school after 10 years of marriage with the support of her mother-in-law and husband
- EP9 - Two sex workers talk about their life
- EP10 - A transgender in a muslim village works as a dancer for marriage and birth events
- EP11 - A story about a village build on the Nepal-India border where people are being pushed away from their land
- EP12 - After his whole family left to work abroad, a young boy is living alone in the house
- EP13
- EP14
- EP15