The AIMS Self-Reflection Questionnaire is a simple thinking exercise to break free from a goal-based approach to life and help you focus on your aims instead. AIMS stands for Aspiration, Implementation, Metacognition, and Success. You just need a pen and paper, a timer (for example on your phone), and about half an hour to complete it.

1. Aspiration (10 minutes)

To refocus on intrinsic motivation, the first section of the questionnaire encourages you to reconnect with your dreams.

  • When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • What experiences filled you with awe and wonder?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • What are some past projects you enjoyed working on, including abandoned projects?
  • What excites you the most about the future?

2. Implementation (10 minutes)

The second part of the questionnaire is about the process of aiming towards your aspirations, when you forget about the outcome and enjoy the journey instead.

  • What does an ideal day look like to you?
  • What things would you like to say no to if you could?
  • When do you feel most energized?
  • Who are the people you trust and you can count on to support you?
  • What things would you do if you supported yourself unconditionally?

3. Metacognition (5 minutes)

In the third part of the questionnaire, you will reflect on the ways you can avoid living your life on autopilot, how you can monitor your progress, and where to get the help you need when you feel stuck.

  • What are your favorite modes of thinking?
  • What are your self-reflection tools of choice?
  • Where do you seek advice when you feel stuck?

4. Success (5 minutes)

The last part draws on your answers to the questions in the previous sections. Looking at what you wrote in each corresponding section, complete the following sentences:

  • In the future, I would like to…
  • I will direct my time, energy and attention towards these aspirations by…
  • I will reflect on my progress by…
  • To me, success means…

That’s it. You have now completed the AIMS Self-Reflection Questionnaire. It’s a simple way to rethink your relationship with ambitions by focusing on the trajectory rather than the finish line. And it’s hopefully also a nice way to remember some of your past experiences and to get excited about the future.