
  • To fall asleep, your body temp has to drop by about 1-3 degrees, to wake up nicely, your body temp has to rise again about 1-3 degrees.

Inner Voice

  • Part of the Verbal Working Memory System
  • Ability to silently use language, used to
    • Keeping information active (phone numbers, grocery items)
    • Simulate and plan (presentations)
    • Self control and motivation


  • Music is a very powerful tool to shifting emotions, can be used to point our emotions in the direction we want it to point.
  • We tend to gravitate towards the kind of music that matches our emotions.
  • All emotions are functional, as long as they are experienced in the right proportions.


  • Some people are good at detecting emotions, others are good at displaying emotions
  • The display of emotions can be very powerful and manipulative
  • Others trying to shift your own emotions can lead to Psychological Reactance
  • A powerful tool to shift someone else’s emotions is through touch
  • Ways of pushing your emotions for short periods of time without much effort:
    • Music
    • Taste
    • Touch
    • Looking at images
  • The Pennebaker Protocol can be very helpful for emotional expression


  • Sadness motivates us to turn our attention inwards and reflect.
  • Something really important has happened, I have to change the way that I’m thinking about my life
  • Physiology is slowing down
  • Facial expression is giving a sign that this person needs emotional support
